Investigating Humpback Whale Mother-calf Interactions using Animal-borne Multi-sensor Tags

Assessing whether the nursing pattern changes as the calf grows

Investigating how, where, and when nursing is performed

Identifying swimming skills that adult whales possess but calves do not, and exploring how mother-calf pairs manage any skill disparities

Studying how mother-calf pairs organize their swimming and resting activities

Investigating the contexts in which mother and calf use vocalizations and exploring potential functions of these vocalizations

Team: Dr. Isabelle Charrier (NeuroPSI, France), Pr. Olivier Adam (NeuroPSI/Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, France), Dr. Chloé Huetz (NeuroPSI, France), Dr. Anjara Saloma (Cétamada association, Madagascar), Pr. Aristide Andrianarimisa (University of Antananarivo, Madagascar)
In collaboration with: Cétamada association (Madagascar, currently presided by Dr. Anjara Saloma)


  • Leading 2021-2023 tag fieldwork campain
  • Investigation, data curating and analyses
  • Leading manuscript writing
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