Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Marine Mammals: the Humpback Whale as a model species

Investigation of Whale Responses to Danger Using Playback Experiments

Team: Dr. Charlotte Curé (Cerema, France), Loanne Pichot (Cerema, France)
In collaboration with: Acoustic communications team, NeuroPSI (France, Led by Dr. Isabelle Charrier), Cetamada association (Madagascar, presided by Dr. Anjara Saloma)

*I participated in the data collection, as the fieldwork corresponded to my tagging campaign on the same site.


  • Calibrating and testing acoustic equipment (Hydrophone, Underwater speakers, Acoustic tags)
  • Data curating (Animal-borne tag data from playback experiments).
  • Writing routine code for data analysis and automation tasks.
  • Conducting preliminary analyses.
  • Reporting.
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